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How To Deal With Japanese Beetles

It is early July, customers are bringing in leaves that have been chewed to pieces and phone is ringing asking what is stripping all the flowers off their roses. Over the last few years plants in south western Ontario have been infested by the Japanese beetle....

What Happened To My Impatiens?

When i first started working at the greenhouse, about 30 years ago, impatiens were the most popular plant we grew. They continued to grow in popularity and one time impatiens represented over half the bedding plants we grew. Why Impatiens? Everybody likes impatiens,...

Beautiful Begonias

Lets talk begonias, an exciting and diverse plant species that is enjoying a huge surge in popularity. Generally speaking begonias are very easy to grow, they will thrive and bloom with a minimum of care. Many begonias tolerate a variety of conditions, shade; sun,...